Thursday, December 29, 2011

Holy Sunshine, Batman! It's 60!

This pic isn't really that funny.
Today, the weather casters have taunted us with the news that we're going to reach temp highs of almost 60 degrees -- in Denver. In December. 

According to the National Weather Service's National Climate Data Center records, the average temperature of Denver is up about 1/2 degree Fahrenheit these days. Feel the burn!!

You know what it is? Me complaining in my last post about the dead of winter and how I can't ride my scooter right now. The Universe, being the best landlord ever, was all, "Oh, Scooter Lass needs to scoot... let's turn up the heater a bit." It has absolutely nothing to do with global warming. Ahem.

You're welcome, Denver.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let-- no wait, let it NOT snow!

I knew it was coming. It comes every year. Snow. I live in Denver, after all. But I'm never prepared for those long, cold, dark days when I can't ride my scooter -- they seem to last forever. But when it looks like this outside your window:

...there's just no getting around it. (And you feel like you're in prison, too, but only if you have bars on your windows like me -- LUCKY!). On the plus side (always!), Colorado snow is GORGEOUS. And the people who actually ski here love it. I'm a Colorado Native who doesn't ski. It happens.

So, yeah... fewer scooter-specific adventures right now. But I must tell you about one of the last clear evenings I was able to ride, when I met Governor Hickenlooper (go on, say his name out loud -- I dare you not to giggle!) because of my scooter. OK, I didn't meet him so much as stare after him like a mental patient when he said, "Nice scooter" to me as I was unlocking Little Chaos, and I said flippantly "thank you!" before I realized I was responding to the freakin' GOVERNOR of our fine city. His secret agent fella, or whatever they are at the governor's level, quickly ushered Hick to his car... presumably before the scooter-riding weirdo followed and drooled on him or something.

Exhibit A: Wynkoop Brewing,
serving the beer of the just.
All right, it wasn't that bad, but I was thrilled he spoke to me... and my scooter is why he spoke to me. Scooters get governors' attention! Well, maybe just our governor, who owns a scooter. You see, our governor is super cool. Aside from promoting scooters and having overall high approval ratings, The Hick started out as owner of the Wynkoop Brewing Co., Denver's first brewpub, which he opened in 1988. It has grown into one of our most successful restaurants. If you're visiting Denver and find yourself in our fabulous LoDo area, check it out -- yummy food, Colorado brews, and they do a pretty cool "backstage" tour, too.

And look! The Hick was featured in Time Magazine! That there is a shiny Aprilla scooter.

It's not a Honda, but I'll forgive him.

So, in summary: our governor is way cooler than yours. And I bet he'd beat yours up, too. Actually, probably not -- he seems to be one of those total Do-Gooders. Toldya he's cooler!

An aside: Remember, scooter owners! This winter, start your scooter's engine, if just to run it for a few seconds, so you don't have a nice, little surprise in the Spring.

Happy dead-of-winter, kids! The days are now getting longer...